src/Lunr/Corona/Exceptions/Tests/HttpExceptionTest.php (Diff revision 1) This should have a class name
src/Lunr/Corona/JsonView.php (Diff revision 1) I'm not sure this adheres to codestyle either. I'd rather keep the single line or construct the message betore this.
src/Lunr/Corona/Tests/FrontControllerGetTest.php (Diff revision 1) It's not passing the provider, it's passing the name of the invalid controller
Change Summary:
- Changes annotations
- Adds message variable to be passed instead of line that excedes character limit defined on code style standards
- Changes return type
Commit: |
Diff: |
Revision 2 (+259 -133) |
src/Lunr/Corona/Tests/Helpers/MockUncaughtException.php (Diff revision 2) Should use the
import instead of using a FQDN
Change Summary:
Changes exception annotation
Testing Done: |
Commit: |
Diff: |
Revision 3 (+259 -133) |
src/Lunr/Corona/CompactJsonView.php (Diff revision 3) classes in the same namespace don't get use statements
src/Lunr/Corona/HTMLView.php (Diff revision 3) classes in the same namespace don't get use statements
src/Lunr/Corona/JsonView.php (Diff revision 3) classes in the same namespace don't get use statements
src/Lunr/Corona/MsgpackView.php (Diff revision 3) classes in the same namespace don't get use statements
src/Lunr/Corona/RequestResultHandler.php (Diff revision 3) classes in the same namespace don't get use statements
Change Summary:
PHPCS fixes, phpunit shorthand notations
Commit: |
Diff: |
Revision 4 (+780 -689) |