src/Lunr/Core/SessionDAO.php (Diff revision 2) I would visually separate the query building, just to make it easier readable
src/Lunr/Core/Tests/SessionDAOTest.php (Diff revision 4) I vaguely remember mentioning something about valueMap. Was that about this or another review?
src/Lunr/Core/SessionDAO.php (Diff revision 6) you can drop the pool here. The DatabaseAccessObject needs to support db connection pooling for DAOs that want to/need to access a database over more than one connection or multiple databases at once. Neither is the case for the SessionDAO, it will always be only one connection, accessing the same database.
src/Lunr/Core/Tests/SessionDAOTest.php (Diff revision 6) Hmm, while this is technically correct I miss a bit of uniformity here. The DAO is not meant to be used with anything but MySQL, that comes with the dml query builder interface. However, then you can just as well Mock the mysql connection/query result instead of the generic db one.