PSR-0 support - step 2

Review Request #27 — Created Dec. 21, 2012 and submitted

This is the second part of conforming to PSR-0. With this change our libraries can now be loaded by other projects which use a PSR-0 conform autoloader.

The changes are vast since all files basically are touced, but not really complex as all that changed is filename and location.
Here a short summary:

- system/config was moved entirely into docs/example-config
- system/models and system/libraries were merged
- system/libraries moved to src/Lunr
- unit tests under tests/system/ moved to a respective "Tests" subfolder within their namespace.
- mock classes moved to this "Tests" subfolder as well

Since these are huge changes I don't plan to keep this review around for long.

This depends on

Everything else now needs to depend on this.
Unit tests still passing \o/